1. General Rights and Procedures |
1.1 TD Decisions & Responsibilities The TD (Tournament Director) is accountable for running games in accordance with the rules and pokers prime directives. In case of a disagreement among players, the dealer's responsibility is to call the TD to render a timely decision. The TDs decision should be settled before the shuffle begins for the next hand.
It is the responsibility of the TD, not dealers, to make all decisions involving a challenge of the rules, or decisions that involve a determination of facts and circumstances prior to applying a rule. The dealer is responsible for describing the facts to the TD. If facts remain in dispute, the TD may ask any players seated in the game to clarify the situation. The TD may opt to review any evidence stored on CCTV.
In the instance of reviewing CCTV evidence no new hand will be dealt on any table and the tournament clock paused.
The best interest of the game and fairness are top priorities in decision-making. Unusual circumstances can on occasion dictate that decisions in the interest of fairness take priority over the technical rules.
All decisions are too made in the best interest of the game.
The TD's decision is final. A player has no claim to an incorrect decision made in good faith and will remain in effect.
The TD is permitted to play in games. |
1.2 Player Responsibilities Any guest participating in any game must be a member of Peterlee Central Club, or signed in as a guest by a member of the club. Membership application and fees available upon request.
In addition to accepting these rules and procedures, players in attendance of the card room acknowledge and agree to be bound by the rules of Peterlee Central Club and its committee.
Players should;
- Verify registration data and seat assignments.
- Protect their hands & make their intentions clear.
- Follow the action & act in turn with proper terminology and gestures (See 1.4).
- Defend their right to act, keep cards visible and chips correctly stacked.
- Remain at the table with a live hand.
- Table all cards properly when competing at showdown.
- Speak up if they see a mistake.
- Call for a clock when warranted.
- Transfer tables promptly.
- Follow one player to a hand, know and comply with the rules & practice proper etiquette.
- Generally contribute to an orderly event.
By taking a seat in a game, as well as being admitted to the facility where the game is conducted, players and visitors consent to management's at-will right to admit or eject visitors and players. Each player or guest is responsible for his or her conduct, and each accountable for his or her actions.
Management always retains the right to prohibit any guest from entering or using its facilities, and may do so at will. |
1.3 Change of Games EDP (East Durham Poker) reserves the right to suspend or withdraw any Game in its absolute discretion and/or to add further Games from time to time. EDP also reserves the right to amend the House Rules and/or the basis of play of any Game or relevant Game Rules at any time.
Any such amendment will be effective immediately. Participant at any time following such change shall constitute your acceptance of such amendments. |
1.4 Official Terminology of Tournament Play Official terms are simple, unmistakable, time-honoured declarations like: bet, raise, call, fold, check, all-in and pot (when betting the pot amount in pot limit games).
Also players must use gestures with caution when facing action: tapping the tables is a check.The use of non-standard language (See 1.8) is at a player's risk because it may result in a ruling other than what the player intended. It is the player's responsibility to make their intentions clear. |
1.5 Electronic Devices Electronic devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, music players etc, are permitted at the table but must not create a nuisance towards other players or the game. Electronic devices may be asked to be removed if the TD feels that the device is interfering in any way with the smooth running of the game or slowing down play.
Any player may also make a request for the removal of any electronic device if they feel it is of interference.
Poker training betting apps and charts should not be used by players with live hands. |
1.6 Players Only At Table Any person who is not playing may not take a seat at the table itself. In cash games, guests may sit behind players as long as no other players object. No one may sit behind another player in a tournament. |
1.7 Age Restrictions You acknowledge that underage gambling is an offence, accordingly by been in attendance of the card room, you warrant to us that you are at least 18 (eighteen) years of age and above the legal age for gambling.
We reserve the right to request proof of age documentation from you at any time.We shall not be liable to any parent, relation or legal guardian of any such minor in respect of any losses incurred by a minor. |
1.8 Official Language The English-only rule will be enforced in the card room with any player with a live hand. |
1.9 Tournament Start & Guarantees Any scheduled tournament is intended to start with a minimum of 5 (five) players. Failure to reach that number may see the tournament cancelled at the CRM/TDs sole discretion.
Any guaranteed prize pool a tournament may hold can be removed from any tournament that commences with 9 (nine) players or less at the CRM/TDs sole discretion. |
2. Seating Players, Money & Chips |
2.1 Random Seats Tournament and satellite seats will be randomly assigned by the tournament computer software. A player who started the tournament in the wrong seat with the correct chip stack will be removed to the correct seat and take his current total chip stack with him.
Exception to random seating rule goes to voluntary dealers, players with special needs and the TD. These players may also be locked in their seats and exempt from moving. |
2.2 Button Placement The player on each table awarded the button will be defined randomly by the tournament computer software and will be announced at start of play by the TD. This process will be repeated at start of play at any final table.
When only two players remain, heads up rules are enforced and the blinds are posted differently. In this case, the person with the dealer button posts the small blind, while his/her opponent places the big blind. The dealer acts first before the flop. After the flop, the dealer acts last and continues to do so for the remainder of the hand. See also rule 6.3. |
2.3 Late Registration Anybody entering the tournament after it has started, for instance, late registration will not have to post a late entry penalty (i.e. small & big blinds). They will start with a full stack and will be randomly seated at any position and dealt in except on the small blind. |
2.4 Special Needs Accommodations for players with special needs will be made when possible. |
2.5 Breaking Tables Players going from a broken table to fill in seats assume the rights and responsibilities of the position. They can get the big blind. The only place they cannot be dealt a hand is on the small blind and the button. |
2.6 Balancing Tables When balancing tables, players will be moved from other tables randomly defined by the tournament computer software. This can be any player, including the button, small blind or big blind, and will seat in the assigned seat even if that means the player will have the big/small blind twice.
Play will not halt on any table that has players short. |
2.7 No Show Players Chips from players who paid an entry fee but fail to show up for the tournament will be removed from play after a period of time. The decision to collect the chips of absent players, thereby eliminating them from the tournament is at the discretion of the TD.
Whilst the chips are in play the player will be dealt in to all hands and have all blinds and antes posted by the dealer. |
2.8 Number of Players at Final Table Unless otherwise stated the final table will consist of 9 (nine) players. This rule does not apply to heads-up events. For button placement see rule 6.3. |
3. Betting, Pots & Showdown |
3.1 Declarations Verbal declarations as to the content of a player's hand are not binding; however, any player deliberately miscalling his or her hand may be penalized. Dealers should read and announce hand values at showdown. Any player, in the hand or not, should speak up if he or she thinks a mistake is made in reading hands or calculating and awarding the pot. |
3.2 Live Cards & Tabling Cards Proper tabling of cards is expected and is both 1) turning all cards face up on the table and 2) allowing the dealer and players to read the hand clearly. "All cards" means both hole cards in hold'em, all 4 hole cards in Omaha, all 7 cards in 7-stud.
If a player bets then discards thinking he or she has won (forgetting another player is still in the hand), the dealer should hold the cards and call the TD. If cards are mucked and not retrievable and identifiable to 100% certainty, the player is out and not entitled to a refund of called bets. If cards are mucked and the player initiated a bet or raise not yet called, the uncalled amount will be returned.
At showdown players must protect their hands while waiting for cards to be read. Players who don't fully table all cards, then muck thinking they've won, do so at their own risk. If a hand is not 100% retrievable and identifiable and the TD rules it was not clearly read, the player has no claim to the pot. The TDs decision on whether a hand was sufficiently tabled is final.
Discarding non-tabled cards face down does not automatically kill them. Cards are killed by the dealer when pushed into the muck, touch the muck when being tabled by the player, or otherwise rendered irretrievable and unidentifiable. |
3.3 Face Up for All-Ins All cards will be turned face up once a player is all-in and all betting action is complete without delay. No player who has either gone all-in or has called all betting action may muck his hand without tabling. All hands in both the main and sidepot(s) must be tabled and are live. |
3.4 Showdown Order In a non-all-in showdown if cards are not spontaneously tabled or discarded the dealer may enforce an order of show. The last aggressive player on the final betting round must table first. If there was no bet on the final betting round the player who would act first if it were a betting round must table first. A non all-in showdown is uncontested if all but one player mucks face down without tabling. The last player with live cards wins and is not required to show his cards.
If after the last round of betting on the river, the action is heads up and the aggressor mucks his hand after being called, then the player who called does not need to show his hole cards to claim the pot, the aggressor cannot request to see the caller's cards, as he has relinquished all rights to the pot by mucking he has also relinquished all rights to see the caller's cards.
If a player tables one card that would make a winning hand, the dealer should advise the player to table all cards. If the player refuses, the TD should be called. |
3.5 Asking to See a Hand Players not still in possession of cards at showdown, or who have mucked their cards face down without tabling, lose any rights or privileges to ask to see any hand.
If there was a river bet, any caller has an inalienable right to see the last aggressor's hand on request ("the hand they paid to see") provided the caller tabled or retains his or her cards. |
3.6 Playing the Board at Showdown A player must show all hole cards when playing the board to get part of the pot. |
3.7 Killing a Winning Hand Dealers cannot kill a winning hand that was tabled and was obviously the winning hand. Players are encouraged to assist in reading tabled hands if it appears that an error is about to be made. |
3.8 Awarding Odd Chips Odd chip(s) will be broken into the smallest denomination in play. Any further odd chip(s)that cannot be broken will go to will go to the player left of the button.
Each side pot will be split separately. |
3.9 Disputed Hands & Pots The right to dispute a finished hand ends when a new hand begins. If a hand finishes going into a break the right to dispute ends 1 minute after the pot is awarded.
The next hand begins with the first shuffle of the cards. |
4. General In-Game Procedures |
4.1 New Hands & New Limits When time has elapsed in a round and a new level is announced, either electronically or by the TD, the new level applies to the next hand. A hand begins with the first shuffle of the cards. This can be, but not limited to, the riffle, the shuffle or wash of the deck. |
4.2 Chipping Up When smaller chip denominations are removed from play they will be exchanged for current denominations only at equal value. Chip denominations that do not fully total at least the smallest denomination still in play will be rounded up to the next smallest denomination still in play. |
4.3 Chip Stacks Kept Visible & Countable Players are entitled to a reasonable estimation of an opponent's chip count: thus chips should be kept in countable stacks. Players must keep their higher denomination chips visible and identifiable at all times. The TD will control the number & denomination of chips in play and may colour up at their discretion. Discretionary colour ups are to be announced. |
4.4 Deck Changes Players may ask for deck changes. But such changes must be reasonable and only finalized by the TD. |
4.5 Re-Buys, Re-Entries & Addons If a player announces the intent to re-buy, re-enter or addon before a new hand, that player is playing chips behind and is obligated to make the re-buy, re-entry or addon. |
4.6 Stack Surrender A player may surrender his current chip stack during a tournament provided:
- His/her chip stack value is less than the original starting stack.
- His/her surrendered chip stack is removed from play.
- He/she informs the TD that they wish to surrender their stack prior to the end of the late reg period and before the clock starts for the next level.
- He/she pays the rebuy or re-entry fee.
4.7 Calling for a Clock Once a reasonable amount of time has passed and as soon as the clock is called a player will be given a maximum of one minute to make a decision, the amount of time is to the discretion of The TD (Normally 30 seconds). If a player has not acted by the time the countdown is over, the player's hand will be dead,if not facing a bet, the hand is checked.A Dealer (unless playing) cannot call the clock. Any player may call for the clock whilst play is hand for hand.
The TD may decline the request for a clock. |
4.8 Show One, Show All Any time a player shows his hand to another player at the table, all other players at the table have the right to see the hand, and it is the dealers obligation to show it. |
4.9 Rabbit Hunting Rabbit hunting (revealing cards that would have come if the hand had not ended) is strictly not allowed. Any player found rabbit hunting may receive a penalty warning. |
4.10 Making a Deal/Bubble A deal or bubble refers to an agreement the players make to redistribute the remaining prize money between those still in play. For a deal to be effective, the agreement has to be accepted anonymously and unanimously by all remaining players.
To discuss a deal please inform the TD with immediate effect. The TD will pause the clock and allow the deal to be negotiated.
Once negotiated the TD will confirm the proposed deal and give all players one `DEAL` card and one `NO DEAL` card face down. Players will then place the choice they wish to accept by placing the card in to the middle of the table and allow the TD to collect the remaining cards.
If all cards unanimously read `DEAL` the deal has been agreed.
If one, or more, cards read `NO DEAL` or any player exposes their card, or verbally expresses their intentions rendering their anonymity. `NO DEAL` will be agreed and play will continue with no change to the prizes.
Once a discussion has been initiated, whether the outcome is agreed or disagreed, a 20-minute period must pass before another negotiation can take place.
Only players that remain in the tournament may influence any deal or negotiation. |
5. Player Present / Eligible for Hand |
5.1 At Your Seat A player must be at his or her seat before the first card has been dealt, if not in seated as the first card is dealt the players hand is dead.
The first card been the very first card of the hand not the players first card. |
5.2 Action Pending Players with live hands (including players all-in or otherwise finished betting) must remain at the table until the showdown concludes. Leaving the table is incompatible with protecting your hand and following the action. |
6. Button / Blinds |
6.1 Dead Button Tournament play will use a dead button.A situation in a game with a rotating blind in which the player to the left of the dealer is eliminated or otherwise leaves the table and the dealer button is rotated to the empty seat rather than skipping to the next player still at the table. |
6.2 Dodging Blinds A player who intentionally dodges any blind when moving from a broken table will incur a penalty. |
6.3 Button in Heads-up In heads-up play, the small blind is on the button and acts first pre-flop and last on all subsequent betting rounds. The last card is dealt to the button. When beginning heads-up play, the button may need to be adjusted to ensure no player takes the big blind twice in a row. |
7. Dealing & Errors |
7.1 Misdeals Misdeals include but are not necessarily limited to:
- Two or more exposed or boxed cards.
- First card dealt to the wrong seat.
- Cards dealt to a seat that is not entitled to a hand.
- A seat entitled to a hand is dealt out.
- A card goes off the table.
Once substantial action occurs a misdeal cannot be declared and the hand must proceed.
Substantial action is defined as either:
In a misdeal, the re-deal is an exact re-play: the button does not move, no new players are seated, and limits stay the same. Cards are dealt to players on penalty or not at their seats for the original deal, and then their hands are killed. The original deal and re-deal count as one hand for a player on penalty, not two.
In the event that one card is exposed the deal will continue and the exposed card becomes the first burn card and replaced with what would have been the burn card.
Players may be dealt 2 consecutive cards on the button. |
7.2 Button with Too Few Cards A player on the button dealt too few cards should announce it immediately. Missing button cards may be replaced even after substantial action. However, if the button acts on a hand with too few cards (by check or bet), the hand is dead. |
7.3 Four Card Flop & Premature Cards If the flop has 4 rather than 3 cards, exposed or not, the TD shall be called. The Dealer then scrambles the 4 cards face down, the TD randomly selects one as the next burn card and the other 3 cards are the flop.
Board and burn cards are sometimes dealt prematurely by mistake, before action on the preceding round is finished. The following are general procedures for dealing with these situations:
- For a premature flop: The flop burn card is left in place as the burn. The premature flop board cards are returned to the deck stub and reshuffled. The flop is then re-dealt (without another burn card) from the newly shuffled stub.
- A premature turn card: The card is put to the side. Another card is burnt, and the normal river card is used as the new turn card. After action on the turn, the premature turn card is placed back in the stub, the stub is reshuffled and a river card is dealt without an additional burn.
- A premature river card: The card is placed back into the remaining stub, and the premature river burn card is left in place as the river burn card. Once action on the turn is completed, the stub is reshuffled and the river is dealt without a new burn card.
- For a premature card in stud games: Additional cards are dealt and placed to the side along with the premature card(s) to represent an entire round of cards for the remaining live players. Once action on the round is complete, the next street is burned and dealt as normal. Once the final street is reached, the premature and additional cards set to the side are placed back into the stub. The stub is re-shuffled then the final street is dealt.
7.4 Disordered Decks When cards remain to be dealt on a hand and the deck is accidentally dropped and appears it may be disordered:
- It is first preferable to try to reconstruct the original order of the stub if possible.
- If not possible, try to create a new deck using only the remaining deck cards (not the muck & prior burn cards). These should be scrambled, shuffled, cut, & play then proceeds with the new deck.
- If when the deck is dropped it becomes mixed in with the muck &burn cards, then scramble the stub, muck &burn cards together, shuffle, and cut. Play then proceeds with the new deck.
8. In Game Play |
8.1 Methods of Betting: Verbal and Chips Bets are by verbal declaration and/or pushing out chips. If a player does both, whichever is first defines the bet. If simultaneous, a clear and reasonable verbal declaration takes precedence, otherwise the chips play. Verbal declarations may be general ("call", "raise"), a specific amount only ("one thousand") or both ("raise, one thousand"). For all betting rules, declaring a specific amount only is the same as silently pushing out an equal amount. Ex: Declaring "Two thousand" is the same as silently pushing out 2,000 in chips.
In unclear situations or where verbal and chips are contradictory, the TD will determine the bet based on the circumstances. |
8.2 Acting in Turn Players must act in turn. Action in turn (by declaration or pushing out chips) is binding and commits chips to the pot that must stay in the pot. Players must wait for clear bet amounts before acting.
Example: A No Limit Hold'em Player A says "raise" (but no amount), and Player B quickly folds. Player B should wait to act until Player A's raise amount is clear. |
8.3 Binding Declarations / Undercalls in Turn General verbal declarations in turn (such as "Call" or "Raise") commit a player to the full current action. A player undercalls by declaring or pushing out less than the call amount without first declaring "call". An undercall is a mandatory full call if made in turn facing any bet heads-up or the opening bet on any round multi-way. The posted Big Blind is the opening first round bet in blind games. In most cases the player will have the option to make up the rest of the call or fold and forfeit the undercall. Bet or raise is not permitted in these circumstances.
This rule addresses when a player must make a full call and when he may forfeit the undercall and fold.In other situations, the TDs discretion applies.
If two or more undercalls occur in sequence, play backs up to the first undercaller who must correct his or her action. The TD will determine how to treat hands of the remaining bettors based on the circumstances. |
8.4 Incorrect BetsIn limit and no-limit: Opening or raising less than the minimum legal amount is corrected anywhere on the current street. For example in NLHE 100-200, Post-Flop A opens for 600 and B raises to 1000 (a 200 under-raise). C and D call, E folds then the error is noticed. Increase the bet to 1200 total for all bettors any time before the turn is dealt. After the turn the error stands. For undercalls, see Rule 8.3.- In pot limit: If a player over bets the pot based on an inaccurate count, because pot count is too high (an illegal bet), it will be corrected for all players anywhere on the current street. If too low, corrected until substantial action occurs after the bet.
8.5 Acting "Out of Turn" (OOT) Any action out of turn (check, call, raise or all in) is subject to a warning and is binding if action to the OOT player does not change. A check, call or fold by the rightful player does not change action. If action changes, the OOT action is not binding; any OOT bet or raise is returned to the OOT player who has all none aggressive options for the remainder of the current street including: calling or folding but not betting or raising.
Any player that has already received a warning for OOT action and reoffends with lose all aggressive options for the rest of the hand.
An OOT fold is binding. In Heads up play the TD can overrule this rule.
A player skipped by OOT action must defend his right to act. If there is reasonable time and the skipped player does not speak up before substantial action OOT occurs to his left, the OOT action is binding. The TD will rule on how to treat the skipped hand given the circumstances, including, but not limited to, ruling the hand dead or limiting the player to non-aggressive action. |
8.6 Methods of Calling Standard and acceptable forms of calling include:
- Saying "call".
- Pushing out chips equal to a call.
- Silently pushing out an overchip.
- Silently pushing out multiple chips equal to a call under the multi-chip rule.
Although non-standard and strongly discouraged silently pushing chip(s) relatively tiny to the bet (e.g. Player A bets 50k, Player B then silently puts out one 1k chip) will be interpreted as being ruled a full call. |
8.7 Methods of Raising In no-limit or pot-limit, a raise must be made by
- Placing the full amount in the pot in one motion.
- Verbally declaring the full amount prior to the initial placement of chips into the pot.
- Verbally declaring "raise" prior to the placement of the amount to call into the pot and then completing the action within one additional motion.
If other than the exact call amount but less than a minimum raise is first put out, it will be ruled a minimum raise.
It is the player's responsibility to make their intentions clear. |
8.8 Raise Amounts A raise must be at least the size of the largest previous bet or raise of the current betting round. If a player puts in a raise of 50% or more of the previous bet but less than the minimum raise, he or she must make a minimum raise. If less than 50% it is a call unless "raise" is first declared or the player is all-in.
Without other clarifying information, declaring raise and an amount is the total bet. If a player declares "Raise, 1000" The total bet is 1000. |
8.9 Re-Opening the Betting In no-limit and pot limit, an all-in wager of less than a full raise does not reopen the betting to a player who has already acted and is not facing at least a full raise when the action returns to them.
In limit, at least 50% of a full raise is required to re-open betting for players who have already acted. |
8.10 Oversized Chip Anytime when facing a bet (or blind), placing a single oversized chip in the pot is a call if a raise is not first verbally declared. To raise with a single oversized chip, a declaration must be made before the chip hits the table surface. If a raise is declared (but not an amount), the raise is the maximum allowable for that chip. |
8.11 Multiple Chips Betting When facing a bet, unless a raise is first declared, multiple same-denomination chips is a call if removing one chip leaves less than the call amount.
Example: Pre flop, blinds 200-400: A raises to 1200 total (an 800 raise), B puts out two 1000 chips without declaring raise. This is just a call because removing one 1000 chip leaves less than the amount needed to call the 1200 bet. Placing chips of mixed denominations in the pot is governed by the 50% standard (See 8.8). |
8.12 Number of Allowable Raises There is no cap on the number of raises in limit, no-limit and pot-limit play. |
8.13 Accepted Action Poker is a game of alert, continuous observation. It is the caller's responsibility to determine the correct amount of an opponent's bet before calling, regardless of what is stated by the dealer or players. If a caller requests a count but receives incorrect information from the dealer or players, then places that amount in the pot, the caller is assumed to accept the full correct action and is subject to the correct wager or all-in amount. As with all tournament situations, should this happen, the TD must be called straightaway and any ruling may apply at the TD's discretion. |
8.14 Pot Size & Pot Limit Bets Players are entitled to a pot countin pot-limit only. Dealers will not count the pot in limit and no-limit.
A player declaring, "I bet the pot", in a No Limit game means that on this first occasion and only on this occasion, the pot will be counted and the player will bet the size of the pot, the TD must be called and the player will be warned that, "I bet the pot" is not a normal term in a No Limit game.
A player may request a pot to be spread by the dealer so he/she can make an informative count. |
8.15 Invalid Bet Declarations If a player faces no bet and declares "call", it is a check. If a player declares "raise", the player must make at least a minimum bet. A player declaring "check" when facing a bet may call or fold, but cannot raise. |
8.16 String Bets and Raises A string bet or raise is when a player doesn't get all the chips required for the raise into the pot in one motion. Unless he verbally declared the raise, he can be forced to withdraw it and just call.
Dealers will be responsible for calling out string bets and raises. |
8.17 Non-Standard & Unclear Betting Players use unofficial betting terms and gestures at their own risk. These may be interpreted to mean other than what the player intended. Also, whenever the size of a declared bet can have multiple meanings, it will be ruled as the lesser value, unless it is clear the higher amount is what was intended.
Example: "I bet five", if it is unclear whether "five" means 500 or 5000, the bet stands at 500. |
8.18 Non-Standard Folds Any time before the end of the last betting round of a hand, folding in turn when facing a check or folding out of turn are both binding folds and may be subject to a penalty. |
8.19 Conditional Statements Conditional statements regarding future action are non-standard and strongly discouraged; they may be binding and/or subject to penalty at the TD's discretion.
Example: "if, then" statements such as "If you bet, then I will raise". |
8.20 Count of Opponent's Chip Stack Players are entitled to a reasonable estimation of opponent's chip stacks. A player may only request a more precise count if the action is on him and he faces an all-in bet. The all-in player is not required to count; on request the dealer or TD will count it.
The visible and countable chip stack rule greatly helps accuracy in counting. (See 4.3). |
8.21 All-In with Chips Found Behind Later If a player bets all-in and a hidden chip is found behind after a player calls, the TD will determine if the chip behind is part of accepted action. If not part of the action, the all in player is not paid off for the chip(s) if he or she wins. If all in player loses, he or she may not saved by the chip(s) and the TD may award the chip(s) to the winning caller. |
8.22 Checking Down Hands Explicitly agreeing to check a hand to conclusion when a third player is all-in is a form of collusion and breach of etiquette. This may result in penalties. |
8.23 Accidentally Killed / Fouled Hands Players must protect their own hands at all times. If a dealer kills a hand by mistake, or a hand is fouled, and the hand is not 100% retrievable and identifiable the player will have no redress and is not entitled to a refund of bets.
If the player initiated a bet or raise and hasn't been called, the uncalled bet or raise will be returned to the player. |
8.24 Chips in Transit Players may not hold or transport tournament chips in any manner that takes them out of view. A player who does so will forfeit the chips and could face disqualification. The forfeited chips will be taken out of play.
Chip trays will be supplied on breaking and movement from tables and must be transported in such. |
8.25 Lost and Found Chips Lost and found chips will be taken out of play and returned to tournament inventory. |
8.26 Dead Hands in Stud In stud poker, if a player picks up the up cards while facing action, the hand is dead. Proper mucking in stud is turning down all up cards and pushing them all forward face down. |
9. Etiquette & Penalties |
9.1 No Disclosure Players must protect other players in the tournament at all times. Therefore players, whether in the hand or not, must not:
- Disclose contents of live or folded hands.
- Advise or criticize play at any time.
- Read a hand that hasn't been tabled.
One-player-to-a-hand is in effect. Among other things, this rule prohibits showing a hand to or discussing strategy with another player, advisor, or spectator.
Infractions can lead to penalties from the TD (See 9.5). |
9.2 Exposing Cards and Proper Folding A player who exposes his cards (verbally or physically) with action pending may incur a formal warning or penalty, but will not have a dead hand. The penalty will begin at the end of the hand. When folding, cards should be pushed forward low to the table, not deliberately exposed or tossed high.
Intentionally exposing a card to induce or inhibit action is a serious breach of poker ethics and in certain instances can be considered a form of collusion. It is never permitted.
In such cases the TD should be called and decide on what action should be taken. |
9.3 Ethical Play Poker is an individual game. Soft play may result in penalties, which may include chip forfeiture and/or disqualification. Chip dumping and other forms of collusion may result in disqualification. |
9.4 Etiquette Violations Repeat etiquette violations may result in penalties. Examples include but are not limited to:
- Persistent delay of the game.
- Unnecessarily touching other players' cards or chips.
- Repeatedly acting out of turn.
- Betting out of reach of the dealer.
- Abusive conduct.
- Excessive chatter.
9.5 Warnings, Penalties, & Disqualification Penalty options include but are not limited to:
- Verbal Warning.
- Formal Last Warning.
- One or more "missed hands".
- One or more "missed rounds".
- Disqualification.
Repeat infractions are subject to escalating penalties. Penalties will be invoked by the TDs discretion.
A player on penalty must be away from the table. Cards are dealt to his seat, his blinds and antes are posted, and the hand is killed after each initial deal. Players away from the table or on penalty may be anted or blinded out of a tournament.
Chips of a disqualified player shall be removed from play. |
10. Other |
10.1 Publicity & GDPR Before participating in any game all players will be asked to fill in and accept or decline East Durham Pokers GDPR consent forms.
By participating in any game players will be asked to consent to participate in such reasonable publicity as East Durham Poker shall in its discretion decide, including, press releases, events reports, results listings and press coverage and players further consent to having details of their name and the amount, if any, won by them included in such publicity.
This publicity will include postings on eastdurhampoker.com, eastdurhampoker.co.uk, Facebook, Twitter and forums. In the event that the tournament is photographed or filmed, players agree to take part in this coverage and acknowledge and agree that they will not receive any payment for this or have any rights over such coverage. Any player wishing to remain anonymous on externally published results must inform the TD prior to the event commencing. |
10.2 Tournament Computer Software The Tournament computer software chips in play and average stack count should not be used to make decisions during the game. It is only an indicative figure and can be affected by such factors as, but not limited to;
- Chip Ups.
- Bonus Chips.
- Lost Chips.
10.3 Royal Flush Jackpot Tournament poker hands are not eligible for the Royal Flush Jackpot. |
10.4 10% Prizes Retained 9% from all tournament games across the year will be retained for prizes. Such as but not limited to;
- League prize polls.
- Bad Beat Jackpots.
- High hand prizes.
- End of Season/Year Freerolls.
- Trophies.
Every part of the 9% retained will be paid back out in the form of prizes.
1% is retained for community/charity funds |
10.5 Payouts
Number of Players |
1-3 |
4-9 |
10-23 |
24-31 |
32-39 |
40-47 |
47+ |
P o s i t i o n s |
1st |
100% |
70% |
52% |
47% |
41% |
34% |
33% |
2nd |
30% |
30% |
27% |
26% |
25% |
24% |
3rd |
18% |
18% |
17% |
17% |
16% |
4th |
8% |
10% |
10% |
9.50% |
5th |
6% |
8% |
7.50% |
6th |
6% |
5.50% |
7th |
4.50% |